Sustainable Packaging
Walmart’s Aspiration is Zero Plastic Waste
In order to realize that aspiration, we must embrace the concept of “circular economy,” which moves away from a “take-and-dispose” approach to one that values reuse and regeneration. We’re collaborating with suppliers, customers and communities to accelerate this philosophy — and one key focus area is through packaging design.
Our Approach
We are globally using a three-pronged strategy to address plastics in our value chain.

Use Less Plastic
Find viable alternatives to plastic and work with suppliers to reduce or eliminate plastic packaging where possible.
- Develop viable solutions to single-use products
- Reduce or eliminate use of PVC in packaging
- Promote alternatives to plastic shopping bags
Recycle More
Where packaging is necessary, work with suppliers to encourage use of packaging that is 100% recyclable and to increase recycled content.
- Incorporate a specified percentage of post-consumer recycled content
- Move toward recyclable, reusable, or compostable packaging
- Educate and inspire consumers to recycle
Walmart Recycling Playbook: Resource for companies setting recyclable packaging goals
Support System-wide Improvements
Engage with innovators to help support development of environmentally preferable options to plastics; promote reuse and expand recycling capabilities.
- Assist local government in prioritizing plastics recycling infrastructure
- Engage with credible organization(s) working to drive change
- Share best practices/successes with manufacturing community
See the Sustainable Packaging Goals we’ve set globally, in North America and the U.S.
Sustainable Packaging Solutions
The Walmart Circular Connector is a tool designed to bridge the gap between those who need sustainable packaging solutions and those who offer them, including a public download of packaging solutions aligned with Walmart’s Sustainable Packaging goals.
Walmart has committed to annually reporting progress on its plastic packaging goals through the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastics Economy Global Declaration.
All Walmart Private Brand suppliers, globally, are asked to participate in our annual Private Brand (PB) Primary Packaging Survey. We began asking our suppliers to participate in this survey in 2019, and the results now serve as our official baseline data. The following resources are designed to guide you through the process:
- Walmart Private Brand Packaging Guidance Document
- Private brand video: How to fill out the packaging section of the annual sustainability survey
How are we measuring up? View the progress we’ve made so far.

We’ve used the three-pronged strategy of use less plastic, recycle more, and support system-wide improvements to set sustainable packaging goals that we continue to work toward globally, across North America and in the U.S.

We continue to collaborate with suppliers customers and communities to push toward our global, North American and U.S. sustainable packaging goals. The following represents our progress as of the end of FY2020, estimated based on supplier reports of primary packaging.

Walmart aims to reduce environmental and social impacts of Private Brand and National Brand packaging, while maintaining our ability to deliver quality products to customers.